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Our Minimum Order Value

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Written byBrandon

Starting March 21st, we are introducing a minimum order value of £150 when placing an order online. If you have purchased a log cabin or other garden building from us and require an item(s) under £150 in order value, please give us a call and we will be happy to assist you.

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Does Tuin’s minimum order value affect me if I have bought a log cabin?

No, it doesn't. If you need additional items for a log cabin that you have already ordered and that totals less than £150, just call us on 01508 558308 or email info@tuin.co.uk. Our team will be able to provide a price, advise the shipping cost, and place the order for you.

Why does Tuin have a minimum order value?

For products like timber, fence panels, and composites, the effort required to pick and pack small orders is nearly the same as for larger ones. To keep our process efficient, we have a minimum order value in place.